Object Oriented Programming (OOP) So far the languages that we encountered treat data and computation separately. In OOP, the data and computation are combined into "object". This has several benefits: -- more convenient: collects related information together, rather than distributing it. Example: C++ iostream class collects all I/O related operations together into one central place. In contrast, the I/O library in C consists of many distinct functions such as getchar, printf, scanf, sscanf, etc. -- centralizes and regulates access to data. If there is an error in the program that corrupts object data, we need to look for the error only within the computations (aka member functions) associated with the object. Contrast this with the typical situation in C programs: access and updates to fields of a datastructure are distributed all through the program, so we need to scan all of a program to identify potential errors. -- promotes reuse. (a) by separating interface from implementation. The implementation of the member functions is irrelevant from the point of view of clients of the object. (Client code = code that uses an object and its member functions.) Thus, we can replace the implementation of an object very easily, without making any changes to client code. Contrast this with C, where the implementation of a datastructure such as a linked list is integrated into the client code, making such changes very difficult if not impossible. (b) by permitting extension of new objects via inheritance. Inheritance allows a new class (class = type of an object) to reuse the features of an existing class. For instance, one may define a doubly linked integer list class by inheriting an reusing the functions provided by a singly linked list class. The aspect of "centralizing/regulating access to data" is generally called encapsulation; the aspect of separating implementation of an object from its interface is generally called "information hiding." Note that these two terms overlap to some extent. In object-oriented languages (OOL), class is a type and includes data and operations together. An object is an instance of class. It specifies members, which consists of variables and functions. The member variables are of two types: class variables or static variables and instance variables. Each object has its own copy of instance variables, whereas class variables are shared across all objects of a class. Instance variables are similar to field names of a struct, e.g., if a C-structure has a field called a, and b and c are structure variables of this type, b.a and c.a refer to distinct locations in memory. Class variables, on the other hand, are similar to global variables. (Access to these variables may still be restricted using the private or protected keyword to the member function.) Similarly, member functions are of two types: statically dispatched (or statically bound) and dynamically dispatched (or dynamically bound). The statically dispatched functions are declared using the keyword "static" whereas the dynamically dispatched functions are declared using the keyword "virtual". Access to members of an object is regulated in C++ using three keywords: private, protected and public. Private members can be accessed only by member functions associated with the class. They may not be directly accessed by outside functions. A protected designation is a bit less restrictive: it allows the member functions of any subclass of a given class to access such members. The public keyword identifies those members that can be called directly by any piece of code. A typical convention is C++ is to make all data members private. Most member functions are public. e.g., consider a list that consists of integers. The declaration for this could be : class IntList { private: int elem; // element of the list IntList *next ; // pointer to next element in the list public: IntList (int first) ; // this function (that has the same // name as the class) is called // "constructor". It is called // automatically when a new object of // this class is created. ~IntList () ; // this function (that has ~ and the class // name) is called "destructor". It is called // automatically when an object of this class // is about to be destroyed. void insert (int i) ; // insert element i int getval () ; // return the value of elem IntList *getNext (); // return the value of next } We may define a subclass of IntList that uses doubly linked lists as follows: class IntDList : IntList { // this denotes that IntDList inherits // from class IntList private: IntList *prev ; // pointer to previous element, the pointer // to next element and element itself are in IntList public: IntDlist(int first); // Constructors need to be redefined ~IntDlist(); // Destructors need not be redefined, but typically // this is needed in practice. In particular, a // destructor may need to free up storage allocated to // pointers. Since Dlist uses an additional pointer, // additional free operations may be needed, and hence // the need for a new destructor. // Most operations, such as getval and getNext are inherited // from IntList. insert (int) ; // But some operations, such as insert, may have to be redefined. // An insert operation now has to update two pointers, instead of one. // Also, we need an accessor for the previous pointer. IntDList *prev(); } A key principle that applies to OOL is as follows: "In any operation that expects an object of type T, it is acceptable to supply object of type T', where T' is subtype of T". This subtype principle must be strictly adhered to. The subtype principle enables OOL to support subtype polymorphism: the same piece of code can be reused with different types of objects, as long as they all belong to subtypes of a base type. For instance, the following function will work with any object whose type is a subtype of IntList. void q (IntList &i, int j) { ... i.insert (j) ; } When we apply the subtype principle, we require that q work properly, regardless of whether it was called with an IntList or IntDList argument. However, note that we said the insert operation works differently on these two types. Use of IntList::insert on IntDList object will likely corrupt it, since the prev pointer would not have been appropriately initialized. Thus, in order for the subtype principle to be observed, it is essential that i.insert refer to IntList::insert when i is an IntList object, and IntDList::insert function when i is an IntDList. This requires a dynamic association between the name "insert" and the its implementation. This sort of dynamic binding is achieved in C++ by declaring a function be virtual. Thus the definition of insert in IntList should be modified as follows: virtual void insert(int i) ; // insert element i Note that with dynamic binding, we are getting the effect of overloading rather than parametric polymorphism. In particular, the insert function implementation is not being shared across subtypes of IntList, but its name is shared. This enables client code to be reused regardless of the argument type, but the implementation of insert function is different between IntList and IntDList for reasons mentioned above. (To see dynamic binding as overloading, we need to eliminate the "syntactic sugar" used for calling member functions in OOL: instead of viewing it as i.insert(...), we whould think of it as a simple function insert(i,...) that explicitly takes an object as an argument.) The key properties of OOL are: (a) encapsulation (b) inheritance+dynamic binding One of the main benefits of OO-style is reuse of code. Reuse is achieved through subtype polymorphism, i.e., the same piece of code can operate on objects of different type, as long as: (a) their types are derived from a common base class (b) the code assumes only fields and operations supported by the base class. (As we will discuss later, subtype polymorphism is based on the fact that all subclasses of a base class support the operations declared in the base class, although their implementations may be differ across the subclasses. This notion of same-name-but-different-function is nothing by function overloading that we have discussed before. One difference in this context is that the overloading is resolved at runtime, rather than at compile time. This observation leads us to the following conclusion regarding reuse enabled by subtype polymorphism: just as overloading enables reuse of client code, subtype polymorphism enables reuse of client code.) The following example embodies the essence of reuse enabled in OO-languages. Consider a graphical editor program. Consider the implementation of one of the functions to be supported by this program, namely, that of redrawing the screen. Conceptually, this is a very simple operation: we simply need to sequence through all of the objects on the screen and redraw them. This conceptual description can be realized in an OO-language as follows. First, we define a base class called DrawableOblect that supports operations that are common to all objects that can be drawn on the screen. These operations may include draw() and erase(). Since the actual implementation of these operations will differ across different kinds of graphical objects, we cannot provide an implementation of this method in the base class. Thus, DrawableObject just defines an interface: no implementations for the methods are provided. The subclasses of this class can provide the implementations of these methods. We use the terms "abstract method", "deferred method" and "pure virtual function" to refer to such methods whose definition is not provided in a base class. We also use the term "abstract" class to refer to classes that have one or more abstract methods. (The reason for this name is that we cannot create objects of with such a type, since such an object will not provide implementations of some methods.) A class that consists of only abstract methods (and no data members) is called an interface class. The hierarchy of DrawableObject may look as follows: DrawableObject / \ / \ / / GeometricShapes BitMaps / \ /\ / \ / \ ClosedFigures OpenFigures / \ / \ ... JPEG GIF / \ Polygon Ellipse / \ | / \ Circle Rectangle Triangle | | Square The subclasses support the draw() and erase() operation supported by the base class. In addition, they may support additional operations: for instance, the ClosedFigures class may support operations such as center(), area(), etc. Given this setting, we can implement the redraw routine using the following code fragment: void redraw(DrawableObject* objList[], int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) objList[i]->draw(); } Note that due to the nature of dynamic dispatching of virtual functions, objList[i].draw will call the appropriate draw method: for a square object, Square::draw will be called, while for a circle object, Circle:draw will be called. Most important, the above code need not be changed even if we modify the inheritance hierarchy by adding new subtypes. For instance, we may add a new kind of object, say a Hexagon. We need only provide the implementation of draw() and r draw() for that class. The above redraw() function need not be changed at all! Without OO-languages, this sort of reuse is difficult to achieve. For instance, if we were to implement the graphical editor in C, we may use the following code to implement redraw: void redraw(DrawableObject *objList[], int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { switch (objList[i]->type) { case SQUARE: square_draw((struct Square *)objList[i]); break; case CIRCLE: circle_draw((struct Circle *)objList[i]); break; ........ default: .... } } The key difference in this code is that no reuse is possible across different types such as Circle and Square: we have to explicitly check the type of the object at runtime, and explicitly invoke the operation appropriate for that type. A consequence of this is that the code for redraw needs to be changed any time we want to add a new type of DrawableObject, such as a Hexagon. Subtype: A is a subtype of B if every object of type A is also a B, i.e., every object of type A has (1) all of the data members of B' (2) supports all of the operations supported by B, with the operations taking the same argument types and returning the same type (3) AND these operations and fields have the "same meaning" in A and B It is common to view data field accesses as operations in their own right. In that case, (1) is subsumed by (2) and (3). Inheritance is a language mechanism in OO languages that can be used to implement subtypes. In particular, the notion of interface inheritance corresponds (1), (2) and (3) above, with the provision that (3) is not checked or enforced by a compiler. Nevertheless, it is a bad programming practice to violate (3). Note: In the practice OO-programming, "same meaning" (as in (3)) does not mean that an operation denotes the same mathematical function in A and B. Instead, "same" is interpreted as "analagous" or "parallel." For instance, we may have a "draw" operation that is used to display objects of type DrawableObject, but the actual figures drawn by this method will be quite different for different subclasses such as Circle and Square. Based on the above discussion, it follows that the notion of subtyping and interface inheritance coincide in OO languages. Another way to phrase this is to say that "interface inheritance captures an `is-a' relationsship." In otherwords, if A inherits B's interface, then it must be the case that every A is a B. As mentioned before, interface inheritance enables reuse of client code: in particular, code that operates on objects of type B can continue to be used on objects of type A without amy change. (Recall the "refresh" function in the graphics editor example.) A different notion of inheritance supported in OO-languages is implementation inheritance. If A is implemented using B, then we that there is an implementation inheritance relationship between A and B. Note, however, that A need not support any of the operation supported by B. In otherwords, the use of B in A's implementation is purely based on convenience, and not because of any similarities among the semantics of A and B. Specifically, there is no is-a relationship between the two classes. As such, implementation inheritance does not help in reuse of client code -- implementation inheritance is thus "irrelevant" from the point of view of client code. For this reason, private inheritance in C++ corresponds to implementation-only inheritance, while public inheritance provides both implementation and interface inheritance. Since implementation-only inheritance is invisible outside a class, it is not as useful as interface inheritance. In particular, we can simulate implementation-only inheritance using composition. For instance, consider the following example: class B { op1(...) op2(...) } class A: private class B { op1(...) /* Some operations supported in B may also be supported by A */ op3(...) /* New operations supported by A */ } Now, since the inheritance is invisible to clients of A, they cannot access the op1 operation supported by B. They can only access op1 supported by A. More concretely, this means that even if A wishes to reuse op1's implementation provided by B, it cannot do this implicitly. Instead, the implementation of op1 in A has to explicitly invoke the implementation of op1 in B: A::op1(...) { B::op1(...) } For this reason, we can simulate implementation inheritance using composition as follows: class A' { B b; op1(...) { b.op1(...) } op3(...) } As such, implementation-only inheritance is not very useful, and has been eliminated in Java. From a practitioner's view, use of implementation-only inheritance is unusual. When it occurs, it is often a mistake, and composition would have been more appropriate. Parametric polymorphism Vs Interface Inheritance ------------------------------------------------- In C++, template classes support parametric polymorphism, while public inheritance support interface+implementation inheritance. Parametric polymorphism is more flexible in many cases. For instance, consider the design of a list class using template types. We can do this by: template class List { private: ElemType *first; List *next; public: ElemType *get(); void insert(ElemType *e); ... } Now, one can use the List class with any element type: void f(List alist, List blist) { A a = alist.get(); B b = blist.get(); .... } Note that the variable a's type can be statically determined to be A, and appropriate typechecking performed at compile time. While subtype polymorphism can support the definition of a List class, this type-checking ability is lost. In more detail: To use subtype polymorphism, we need to have a common base class for A and B, and define a List class that contains objects of this type. Specifically, in Java, we do this by making all objects derive from a base class called Object: class AltList { private: Object first; // Note: all object fields really denote pointers AltList next; // in java public: Object get(); void insert(Object o); } void f(AltList alist, AltList blist) { A a = (A)alist.get(); B b = (B)blist.get(); ... } Note that in this case, the operation alist.get() returns an object of type Object, not A. We therefore need to explicitly cast it into an object of type A or B as appropriate. Moroever, the type-correctness of this casting cannot be verified until runtime. This leads to two problems: (a) type-checking needs to be done at runtime, and type info maintained at runtime, (b) potential errors, as in the following code, cannot be caught at compile time List alist, blist; A a; A b; // Note b is of type A, not B alist.insert(a); blist.insert(b); f(alist, blist); // f expects second arg to be list of B's, but we are // giving a list of A's. Overloading, Overriding, and Virtual Functions ----------------------------------------------- Overloading is the ability to use the same function NAME with different arguments to denote DIFFERENT functions. In C++, for instance, once can define: void add(int a, int b, int& c); void add(float a, float b, float& c); Overriding refers to the fact that an implementation of a method in a subclass supercedes the implementation of the same method in the base class. OVERRIDING OF NON-VIRTUAL FUNCTIONS IN C++ For instance: class B { ... public: void op1(int i) { /* B's implementation of op1 */ } ... } class A: public class B { ... public: void op1(int i) { /* A's implementation of op1 */ } ... } main() { B b; A a; int i = 5; b.op1(i); // B's implementation of op1 is used a.op1(i); // Although every A is a B, and hence B's implementation of // op1 is available to A, A's definition supercedes B's defn, // so we are using A's implementation of op1. ((B)a).op1(); // Now that a has been cast into a B, B's op1 applies. a.B::op1(); // Explicitly calling B's implementation of op1 } One thing to note in the above example is that the choice of B's or A's version of op1 to use is based on compile-time type of a variable or expression. The runtime type is not used. Thus, overriding of method definitions is based on compile-time type information. This is illustrated in the following function f, void f(B x, int i) { x.op1(i); } which may be invoked as follows: B b; A a; f(b, 1); // f uses B's op1 f(a, 1); // f still uses B's op1, not A's OVERRIDING IN THE PRESENCE OF VIRTUAL FUNCTION Use of virtual functions would enable overriding to be based on runtime type information: class B { ... public: virtual void op1(int i) { /* B's implementation of op1 */ } ... } class A: public class B { ... public: void op1(int i) {// op1 is virtual in base class, so it is virtual here too /* A's implementation of op1 */ } ... } main() { B b; A a; int i = 5; b.op1(i); // B's implementation of op1 is used a.op1(i); // A's implementation of op1 is used. ((B)a).op1(); // Although A has been cast into a B, dispatching of // virtual function is based on the runtime type info // associated with a. Thus, A's op1 is used. // NOTE difference with nonvirtual case a.B::op1(); // Explicitly calling B's implementation of op1. // Disable dynamic dispatching of op1 } Also, in the second example, things work as expected, based on runtime type info: void f(B x, int i) { x.op1(i); } which may be invoked as follows: B b; A a; f(b, 1); // f uses B's op1 f(a, 1); // f uses A's op1 Note that op1 denotes different funtions in the context of A and B. Thus, we are overloading the name "op1" with two different meanings. Reuse of client code, as enabled in OO languages, relies simply on this fact that the same function name will do the "right thing" depending on the runtime type. The right version can be determined using the argument types: If the object argument is of type A, then we use A's version of op1, and if it is of type B, then we use B's version of op1. With nonvirtual functions, the resolution of op1 is done at compile time, while with virtual functions, resolution is done at runtime. Implementation Aspects of OO-Languages --------------------------------------- Allocation of space for data members: The space for data members is laid out the same way it is done for structures in C or other languages. Specifically: -- the data members are allocated next to each other -- some padding may be required in between fields, if the underlying machine architecture requires primitive types to be aligned at certain adresses -- at runtime, there is no need to look up the name of a field and identify the corresponding offset into a structure; instead, we can statically translate field names into relative addresses, with respect to the beginning of the object. -- data members for a derived class immediately follow the data members of the base class -- multiple inheritance requires more complicated handling, we will not discuss it here Example: class B { int i; double d; char c; float f; } Layout of objects of type b: --------------- 0: | int i | // Assumption: Integer requires 4 bytes --------------- 4: | XXXXXXXXXXX | // pad, assuming double's are to be --------------- // aligned on 8-byte boundaries 8: | double d | | | // Assumption: Double requires 8 bytes --------------- 16: | char c|XXXXX| // Assumption: char needs 1 byte, 3 bytes are padded --------------- 20: | float f | // Assumption: float to be aligned on 4-byte boundaries, --------------- // and require 4-bytes of space. class C { int k, l; B b; } --------------- 0: | int k | --------------- 4: | int l | --------------- 8: | int i | --------------- 12: | XXXXXXXXXXX | --------------- 16: | double d | | | --------------- 24: | char c|XXXXX| --------------- 28: | float f | --------------- class D: public C { double x; } --------------- 0: | int k | --------------- 4: | int l | --------------- 8: | int i | --------------- 12: | XXXXXXXXXXX | --------------- 16: | double d | | | --------------- 24: | char c|XXXXX| --------------- 28: | float f | --------------- 32: | double x | | | --------------- Implementation of Virtual Functions ------------------------------------ Approach 1: Lookup type info at runtime, and then call the function defined by that type. Problem: very expensive, require type info to be maintained at runtime Approach 2: Treat function members like data members: Allocate storage for them within the object. Put a pointer to the function in this location, and translate calls to the function to make an indirection through this field. Benefit: No need to maintain type info at runtime. Implementation of virtual methods is fast, as it requires only a dereferencing of the field that stores the pointer to member funtion to be invoked. Problem: Potentially lot of space is wasted for each object, even though all objects of the same class have identical values for the table. Approach 3: Introduce additional indirection into approach 2: Store a pointer to a table in the object, and this table holds the actual pointers to virtual functions. Now we use only one word of storage in each object. class B { int i ; char c ; virtual void g(); virtual void h() ; } B b1, b2; b1: +-------------+ | i | |-------------| | c | |-------------| | VMT ptr ---|----------------+ +-------------+ | | | | Virtual Method Table (VMT) | for class B | +-------------+ +---------------->|ptr to B's g | | |-------------| | |ptr to B's h | b2: | |-------------| +-------------+ | | i | | |-------------| | | c | | |-------------| | | VMT ptr ---|----------------+ +-------------+ Impact of subtype principle on Implementation of OO-Languages ------------------------------------------------------------- The subtype principle requires that any piece of code that operates on an object of type B can work "as is" when given an object belonging to a subclass of B. This implies that runtime representation used for objects of a subtype A must be compatible with those for objects of the base type B. Note that the way the fields of an object are accessed at runtime is using an offset from the start address for the object. For instance, b1.i will be accessed using an expression of the form (we use C-like syntax here) *(&b1+0) where 0 is the offset corresponding to the field i. Similarly, the field b1.c will be accessed using the expression *(&b1+1) (This assumes that addresses are given in terms of words, and a single word of memory can store an integer variable. If we use byte addressing instead, and if all integers require 4 bytes, then the access would use an expression of the form *(&b1+4).) Similarly, an invocation of the virtual member function b1.h() will be implemented at runtime using an instruction of the form: call *(*(&b1+2)+1) where: &b1+2 gives the location where the VMT ptr is located *(&b1+2) gives the value of the VMT ptr, which corresponds to the location of the VMT table *(&b1+2) + 1 yields the location within the VMT table where the pointer to virtual function h is stored. (Note that the pointer to h is stored at offset 1 from the base of VMT.) Viewed in light of the way member fields and operations are accessed, the subtype principle imposes the following constraint: any field of an object of type B must be stored at the same offset from the base of any object that belongs to a subtype of B the VMT ptr must be present at the same offset from the base of any object of type B or one of its subclasses the location of virtual function pointers within the VMT should remain the same for all virtual functions of B across all subclasses of B. As a result, we must use the following layout for an object of type A defined as follows: class A: public B { float f; void h(); // Redefines h, but reuses implementation of G from B; virtual void k(); } A a; a's layout: Virtual Method Table (VMT) +-------------+ for class A | i | +-------------+ |-------------| /----->|ptr to B's g | | c | / |-------------| |-------------| / |ptr to A's h | | VMT ptr ---|-----------------/ |-------------| |-------------| | ptr to A's k| | float f | +-------------+ +-------------+ Note that in order to satisfy the constraint that VMT ptr appear at the same position in objects of type A and B, it is necessary for the data field f in A to appear after the VMT field. A couple of other points: a) non-virtual functions are statically dispatched, so they do not appear in the VMT table b) when a virtual function f is NOT redefined in a subclass, the VMT table for that class is initialized with an entry to the function f defined its superclass.