CSE 150 Foundations of Computer Science - Honors

Fall 2024

Course Description Grading Instructor/TA Texts Lectures Special needs

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Course Description

This course introduces Computer Science Honors students to the logical and mathematical foundations of computer science. From time to time, we will also discuss problem solving strategies and techniques.

New for this year: We are going to use DML, a programming language that has been custom-designed for this course. Many of the concepts developed in this course are directly expressible in this language. As a result, you not only learn to write mathematical formulas but also "execute" them in many cases. This will enable you to "debug" your formulas and definitions, and deepen your understanding. Please follow these instructions to download and install DML on your laptop. DML language documentation is available here in PDF.

The main topics covered in this course are:

Required Text:

Eric Lehman, F Thomson Leighton and Albert R Meyer, Mathematics for Computer Science

Lecture Slides and Recordings:

Videos from a previous offering of this course are available. However, the material covered in the video won't always be an exact match for the material we are teaching in class this year.

# Topics and Slides Recordings
1 Series and Summations Intro to Summations 27 mins
Perturbation method 35 mins
Summing by integration 34 mins
Computing products 12 mins
Harmonic series 23 mins
2 Sets 46 mins   7 mins
3 Propositional Logic and Proof Techniques, Digital Circuits 71 mins   18 mins
Proof techniques (47 mins,   12mins)
4 Predicates and Quantifiers 45 mins   34 mins
5 Proof Techniques
Induction proofs 38 mins   31 mins
6 Functions and Relations Functions 29 mins
Intro to Relations 32 mins Relation Types 31 mins
7 Relations and Graphs Relational composition and inversion 6 mins
Intro to Graphs 15 mins
Examples of Composition 25 mins
Graphs 15 mins
Walks and Paths 15 mins
Euler and Hamiltonian Circuits 12 mins
Walks and Paths II 9 mins
Euler's Tour 15 mins
Hamiltonian Tour 10 mins
Graphs and Composition 10 mins
Reflexive/Symmetric/Transitive Relations 11 mins
Closure operations 10 mins
Partial orders 8 mins
Closure operations II 17 mins
Partial Orders and DAGs 25 mins
8 Counting Basic counting techniques 55 mins
Counting using binary strings 12 mins
Counting using bijections 20 mins
Sequences of subsets 7 mins
Word permutations 4 mins
Poker hands 50 mins
Pigeonhole principle 26 mins
Inclusion-Exclusion Principle 15 mins
More examples 54 mins
9 Probability Monty Hall Problem 29 mins
Strange Dice 43 mins
Birthday paradox 23 mins
Probability and Set Theory 12 mins   15 mins
Infinite probability spaces 9 mins
Conditional probability 36 mins
Rules for conditional probability 7 mins
Medical testing 11 mins   6 mins
10 Infinite Cardinality Infinite Sets 38 mins
Countable Sets 31 mins   40 mins
Uncountable Sets 40 mins
Recap: Uncountability of infinite binary strings 15 mins
Cantor's theorem and proof 42 mins
(Note: Cantor's proof was not covered in class this year.)
11 Recursion and Functional Programming
Intro to recursion and recurrences 32 mins
12 Recurrences and Algorithmic Complexity
Solving recurrences: Plug-and-chug 15 mins
Homogeneous Linear Recurrences 20 mins  5 mins
Asymptotic Complexity 11 mins
Master Theorem 17 mins
13 Review Session
Course summary 55 mins


Homeworks (30%)

There will be about one homework every other week, excluding the ethics homework that will be due in the first week of classes. Each homework will be worth between 3% and 5% of the final grade.

Exams (70%)

There will be two midterms, each worth 16% to 20% of the course grade, and a final exam that is worth 30% to 35%.

Any form of copying in the course, and all forms of academic dishonesty, are considered serious offenses, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent permitted by university policies. The minimum penalty for any form of copying, whether from your friends, the Internet or outside sources, or from previous offerings of the course, will be an F-grade. Note that it is a "one strike and you are out" policy, i.e., you end up with an F-grade regardless of how well you have done in the course until then. There will be no exceptions.


R. Sekar
Office: 364 New Computer Science
Office Hours: Posted on Piazza


Information about the TAs and their office hours can be found on Piazza.

Class Place and Time:

Special Needs

If you have special needs, concerns or a disability, please contact the staff at Student Accessibility Support Center (SASC). SASC staff will review your concerns and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation will remain confidential.