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Secure Systems Lab


See our CSET 2008 paper and CISSE 2005 paper for an overview of this approach.


V-NetLab is a virtual network laboratory platform that can be used in network and computer courses. Professors can easily create virtual networks for students, who will then work on their hands-on assignments or course projects within this environment.

The following picture gives an overview of the architecture.


V-NetLab has the following salient features:
(1) Faithfully simulate network configurations.
(2) Cost-effective and scalable.
(3) Isolate virtual networks from each other.
(4) Ease of setup and management.


Shipped under GPL.vnetlab-2.2.tgz
VNetLab is built on top of VMware Server 2, which needs to be installed first. Check the installation guide in source code for more details.

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