This project is supported by the Office of Naval Research
under the Critical Infrastructure Protection and High Confidence,
Adaptable Software (CIP/SW) Research Program of the University
Initiative (URI).
This project is aimed at developing a new approach for
(or downloaded) code, which has become an integral part of the
Examples of untrusted partially trusted software include: document
handlers and viewers (e.g., Real Audio, ghostview), games, peer-to-peer
applications (e.g., file sharing, instant messaging), freeware,
and trialware, and mobile code (applets, JavaScript, ActiveX).
Contemporary operating systems provide little support for coping with
The goal of the Model-Carrying Code (MCC) project is to
develop a practical and usable tools that enable
consumers to:
- precisely specify their security policies,
- formally verify whether a piece of mobile code satisfies
policies, and
- execute mobile code with the guarantee that it will not
these policies.
A key benefit of the MCC approach is that once static
succeeds, the consumer can safely assume that the mobile code will
complete its task without encountering further security errors. Should
verification not succeed, the consumer has the option of refining
security policies in ways that allow the mobile code to provide its
functionality without unduly increasing the security risk posed by it.
task of policy refinement can itself be partially automated in order to
assist unsophisticated users.
Overview of Approach
Formal verification of software has been a subject of intense
over many decades, and has proven to be a difficult
problem. For mobile code, the situation is further complicated
by the fact that code producers tend to provide only
binary (rather than source) versions of their code. The fundamental
insight in the MCC project that has enabled us to overcome these
is that of decomposing verification into two stages:
- model extraction: the process by which code
generate abstract models of the security-relevant behavior of their
- consistency resolution: the process by which code
consumers verify that their security policies are satisfied by the
mobile code.
Since models are significantly simpler than programs,
verification of security policies against models (using model-checking
techniques) becomes feasible under the MCC approach. Furthermore, the
decomposition provided by MCC shields a code producer from having to
about specific security concerns of different consumers, and the code
consumer from having to understand implementation decisions made by a
producer. As a result, consumers need not reveal their security
policies to
a producer, nor do producers have to reveal their source code to a
The techniques developed in the MCC project is being
software tools that are placed at the entry points for mobile code,
namely, software installers, through which explicitly downloaded and
installed software enters the system, and email/web browser, through
implicitly downloaded code enters the system. These tools will be
available as downloadable software for on Linux/Intel systems.
The project results are expected to be commercialized through
our industrial partners.

The figure above shows the key idea in MCC: introducing
program behavioral models
that help bridge the semantic gap between (very low-level) binary code
and high-level security concerns of consumers. MCC includes a model
generator, which automatically generates models at the producer-side. A
consumer receives both the model and the program from the producer. The
policy selection component checks whether the model satisfies the
consumer's policy. If the model is not consistent with the policy, the
consistency resolver reports a compact and user-friendly conflict
feedback to the consumer. The consumer can either discard the code at
this point, or refine his/her policy to permit execution of the code
without posing undue security risks. If the model is consistent with
the (refined) policy, then the code and the model are forwarded to the
enforcement component. The enforcement/recovery component checks
whether the model captures all the program's behaviors. Our current
implementation of enforcement is based on system call interception. If
the enforcement component detects a deviation from the model, the the
execution of the untrusted code is terminated.
This research is conducted at the Secure Systems Lab and
the Applied Logic Lab
at Stony Brook University. For
more technical details of MCC, please refer to our SOSP03
Last updated: August 1, 2005.
Suggestions, comments or questions: contact R. Sekar (sekar@cs.sunysb.edu)